Millenials and the changing view of social media

Written by Yinka Bakare

We assume that since millennials are the first generation of digital natives, their mindset differs on how they learn, work, socialize and communicate. They have grown up using the Internet as an authority of information rather than search the answers from a library or ask their parents or teachers. Encouraged by microblogging platforms, millennials are more empowered to voice their concerns rather than just passively complying.  In today’s connected world, they know that having an online reputation is akin to credibility; thus they strive to establish their social networks and maintain their social identity. 

While we think that this is a permanent trend, we slowly see signs that changes are underway. For one, while a majority of millennials (85%) say they use social media, the share of social media users among millennials has remained mostly unchanged since 2012. It has also been reported how Facebook lost around 2.8 Million U.S. users under 25 in 2017, while 64% of the same demographic have taken at least a temporary break from one or more platforms.  

So, how did this happen? There are perhaps, several drivers which shape the millennials’ frustration? 

First is exhaustion from the competition and pressure to get attention. As entertaining, impactful and revealing content becomes a standard, younger millennials become more insecure about themselves and would rather not post at all. Second is the need for privacy as Baby Boomers (e.g., their mom, dad, and employers) and even the public become unwelcome recipients of their daily broadcasts. The third factor is the perceived commercialization of social media content which is felt to be insincere and irrelevant to their daily lives.

Little by little, we see more millennials get attracted towards joining private messaging groups or sending protected feeds. Digital detox became a trend during the fourth quarter of 2017 while the millennial consumer is looking for fun-focused kidulting experiences where they can reconnect and experience this with friends.

As millennials grow older, time with tell just how this story would evolve. 

Tell us what you think.